What to see

Palacio Marqués de Dos Aigües

Palau dos aigues

Located very close to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, in what was probably formerly a Roman necropolis (it was outside the walls of ”Valentia”). This monumental palace is nicknamed ”Little Versailles”, it does not have huge gardens (just a small patio), nor large rooms, but it houses so much beauty and so much detail of different styles that it is without a doubt a building that you cannot leave without visiting it.

The last reform is from the 18th century and we can see a completely baroque façade with a door full of symbols alluding to those who lived in this palace.

Inside we find different rooms and each one of them dedicated to a theme. We also find inside the national museum (which is saying a lot) of ceramics, going from the Neolithic to our times. Do you need more reasons to visit this gem?