What to see

Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias

ciudad de las artes

Probably the most famous part of the city internationally. It is a huge complex of a total of 7 buildings (Science Museum, l’Umbracle, Hemisfèric, Oceanogràfic, l’Assut de l’Or bridge, Ágora and the Reina Sofía Palace), each of which can be visited and represents something from nature or something very Valencian (an eye, the skeleton of a whale, the Mediterranean Sea…). To visit this huge complex, we recommend you to reserve at least a day and a half during your visit to Valencia to enjoy it and buy tickets in advance online.

Getting there is very easy, but our recommendation is always to walk quietly from the Torres de Serrano (about 30 minutes) to contemplate the enormous old bed of the Túria river where we find ancient and modern constructions such as the City of Arts and Sciences. You can also take bus number 95, 1, 25, 6, 35, 13, 19 and 14.