What to see

Cathedral of Valencia

Catedral de Valencia

The protagonist of the Plaza de la Virgen, construction began in the 13th century where, previously, the Balansiya mosque had been, for almost 500 years it has been under interrupted construction and various extension reforms. This building stands out for its famous tower called ”el Miguelete”, since the bell that rings every hour was inaugurated on the day of San Miguel (This bell was the heaviest in the entire Kingdom of Aragon!)

It has 3 doors, each one of a totally different style (there is proof of so many centuries of changes). Both inside and outside the cathedral there are a total of 5 architectural styles. Inside we find the cathedral museum and endless relics… one of them very famous and well-known all over the world: The Chalice! But how many chalices are there in the world? Is this the real one? Join our routes to find out, this and many other curiosities. We will wait for you.