Valencian Culture and Traditions, What do to

The 9 Must-Know Elements of FALLAS 2024 – Unlocking the Essence


Cuando pienso en las Fallas me viene a la mente un torbellino de color, una sinfonía de música y una explosión de alegría que envuelve las calles de Valencia. Es una fiesta que trasciende lo ordinario, donde cada rincón se convierte en un lienzo viviente lleno de creatividad y pasión.

Las Fallas son más que simples monumentos de cartón-piedra; son símbolos de identidad, tradición y comunidad, que crean los artistas falleros durante todo un año. Es un momento en el que la ciudad entera se une en una celebración única, donde el fuego purifica y renueva, y la diversión se desborda en cada esquina.

Y para entender esta festividad en todos sus aspectos, necesitas conocer estos 9 elementos clave y, por supuesto, ¡vivirlos en primera persona!. Así que si vienes a las Fallas de Valencia 2024, estate atentx y no te pierdas ninguno de los eventos que te contamos a continuación.*Programa completo al final

1.- La Plantà

The first item on our list refers to a moment of great emotion for the falleros and falleras, but also for all visitors and curious people. Finally, the monument that the falleros have spent a whole year creating stands up so that everyone can see it.

Plantà comes from ”plant” that is, to put something on its feet.

On March 14 and 15, you will be able to see the Fallas artists finishing their creations, so that on the morning of the 16th everything will be ready, at which time the jury will go through all the Fallas to evaluate them.

TIP: if you go on the 16th to see the Fallas, there will surely be hordes of people who want to go see them finished. The night of the 15th is more special if you want to be the first and you can see the artist finishing his work.



2.- La Mascletà

One of the axes of this celebration, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is the mascletà.
This year, from March 1 to 19, every day at 2:00 p.m. the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where our beloved ”Cathedral of Gunpowder” is located, will vibrate like never before in this unique fireworks show. Don’t you know what it is about? You have an appointment to see it!

TIP: we recommend you go to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento at 12 noon and have a beer before everything starts, and if you can go before Fallas week there will be much less people. At 1pm it is already full and you will not be able to get to the streets closest to the Town Hall.




3.- Las Verbenas

One of the main elements in our Fallas is the street party and that in Valencian is the same as ”verbena”. Each falla committee sets up its own party and plays music until almost dawn.
We leave you some that you have to go through yes or yes to have some good dances:
Verbena of Falla Vicente Sancho Tello in Aragón area, Verbena of Blanquerías, nex to Serranos Towers, Verbena of Parterre, Verbena of Falla Císcar-Burriana in the Ruzafa area o the verbenas that surround the City Hall.

TIP: if you like good house music, near the Botanical Garden you will find a Falla (Falla Borrul-Socors) with a ”verbena” where during all the festivities you can enjoy the best house atmosphere in Valencia. TheFallas by Thebasement. – Location: Plaza de San Sebastián

4.- The Fireworks

The most ”romantic” element of the Fallas, and one that could not be missed, where for a moment time will stop and the sky will be filled with magic and color: the castles of night fires.
Here we leave the 4 wonders…

Pirotècnia Nocturna

For 3 days in a row and before the official Fallas week begins, we begin to get into the Fallas mood with three nights of fireworks at City Hall.

  • Friday, March 8, 11:59 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Nadal-Martí.
  • Saturday, March 9, 11:59 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Tamarit.
  • Sunday, March 10, 11:59 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Valenciana.


This tradition dates back to 1966 and 1967, when it was performed for the first time during the Nit de la Plantà. After a hiatus, it was revived in 2016. It consisted of all the Fallas commissions in Valencia launching small fireworks displays to jointly celebrate the Fallas. Nowadays it is a great nighttime pyrotechnic show that takes place in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and that preserves that ”special meaning” of yesteryear.

Friday, March 15, 11:59 p.m. Pirotècnia Altana. In the Town Hall of Valencia

Turia fireworks

The first fireworks in the old bed of the Turia river, today converted into the lungs of the city. We are still in the epicenter of the festival. There is still much to enjoy!

Saturday March 16 11:59 p.m. by Pirotècnia Martí. From the Turia Garden, at the height of the Palau de les Arts.

Nit del Foc

A radiant and vibrant night that announces the triumphant closing of the Fallas, it is the show that lasts the longest of all, the beginning of the end of the festivity, in short, the last night before burning them.

On Monday, March 18, at 11:59 p.m., by Pirotecnia Caballer FX, in the Turia Garden, near the Palau de les Arts.

5.- The Offering

The importance of flowers. During this two-day event, all the city’s fallas begin their own procession with a single destination: the Plaza de la Virgen. There, carnations are offered that will adorn the floral mantle of the patron saint of Valencia, the Virgen de los Desamparados, also known as the Geperudeta due to her characteristic hump. This design, 15 meters high and built with wooden crossbars, was first installed in 1987.

On Sunday, March 17 and Monday, March 18, with a route that crosses the main streets of La Paz and San Vicente until reaching the Plaza de la Virgen.

Visiting the Plaza de la Virgen on those days is mandatory, its beauty will dazzle you.


6.- The Special Section

There are always some Fallas that stand out from the others, the most spectacular, and they are usually: Falla Convento de Jerusalem, Falla del Ayuntamiento, Falla del Mercado Central, Falla Na Jordana, Falla Cuba Literato-Azorín, Falla Sueca Literato-Azorín or Falla Plaza del Pilar among others. They are classified in the highest category of the contest sponsored by the Central Fallera Board, for being the largest, the ones that usually win, the most famous…

And I know someone who can take you to see them first-hand, on a unique Fallas itinerary where you will learn the secrets of some of the Fallas of the special section.
*click here to learn more and learn first-hand about all the curiosities of this unique festival in the world*

7.- The Fire

Fire is present during all the Fallas, it is a crucial element that sweetens and at the same time excites the falleros, since it also puts an end to the festivities:

La Cremà

It is celebrated on March 19, San José, a very special day for the Falleros since it is the day of the patron saint of carpenters and marks the origin of this festivity (Do you know its origins? click here). And paradoxically it is the day that ends the Fallas: the works of art built with dedication, effort and a lot of heart will turn into ashes that same night.

Cremà, refers to burning.

It marks the end, but a new beginning, the motivation to start, in the following weeks, to think about what to create for next year’s Fallas.

On Tuesday, March 19, you will be able to find the ”cremàs” of all the monuments throughout the streets of Valencia. Starting at 8 p.m. for children and starting at 10 p.m. for all.

The Ride of Fire

It refers to the prequel to ”la cremà” of what is to come.
A great spectacle in the form of a ”correfocs” in the center of the city where, of course, fire is the main protagonist.
The parade, with abundant representations of the Valencian legacy such as fire dragons and other mythical creatures, will enliven the streets of the urban heart with its bustle, liveliness and melodies.

Sunday, March 19 from 6:00 p.m. – start C/Ruzafa and C/Colón

8.- The Lights

The decorations with lights along the streets of the city are also a milestone of the Fallas. There is a specific neighborhood, Ruzafa, where you can find the most spectacular ones. And there is a specific day where a small party is set up and everyone gathers to watch the lights turn on. We assure you that it will leave you speechless.

Calle Cuba and Calle Sueca – Inauguration of the illuminated streets Friday, March 8. Between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.




9.- The Typical Food

You can’t miss these Fallas: a good esmorzaret, an authentic Valencian paella and some buñuelos with chocolate. We leave you our best recommendations of places that you will surely get right:

Buñuelos and chocolate

-Orchatería Sta Catalina
-Buñolería El Contraste
-Orchatería Mari Toñi


-Yarza Restaurant
-LAVOE arroz y mar
-Pelayo Gastrotrinquet
-Bar Cassalla
-Camaleón Restaurant


– Bar Cassalla
– Bar Ricardo
– El trocito del medio
-Bar Central
– Bar Cremaet
-Ultramarinos Huerta
-Matoque Ruzafa
-Ultramarinos Agustin Rico
-El Rodamón de Ruzafa
-Zalamero y Baldomero

Almuerzo (El Esmorzaret)

-Bar Cassalla
-Bar Ricardo
-Central Bar
-La Cantina de Ruzafa
-Nuevo Oslo

Bonus: cool terraces!

-Palacio Sta Catalina Hotel
-Falleros balconies to rent

Enjoy one of the most original parties in the world. And if you have questions, or want to do something special for the Valencian Community, Valencia&Go advises you on whatever you need. Contact us!



Friday March 1

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Peñarroja.

12:00 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Zaragozana.

Saturday March 2

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Zaragozana.

17:30 h.- “Cabalgata del Ninot“. With the following itinerary: Departure from Glorieta, La Paz street, San Vicente, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Marqués de Sotelo and end at Xàtiva street. The Parade will close with the entry of the first pieces of the “Dos Palomas” Municipal Falla. A branch”.

12:00 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Zarzoso.

Sunday March 3

07:15 h. – Children’s “Despertà” from the Plaza de la Reina Fireworks material, La Petardería.

07:30 a.m. – “Macrodespertà”. Calle de la Paz and Calle San Vicente Mártir and will end in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento with a spectacular earthquake. Pirotècnia Mediterráneo.

10:00 a.m. – Cant de l’Estoreta Competition.

12:00 p.m. – Entry of Music Bands in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. (The departure will be at 11:30 from the Plaza del Tetuan)

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Gironina.

8:00 p.m.- “Crida” in the Torres de Serranos. At the end, light and color effects with a show.

Monday March 4

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Camp del Túria.

Tuesday March 5

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Dragón.

Wednesday March 6

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Pibierzo.

Thursday March 7

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Nadal-Martí.

5:30 p.m. – Tribute from the Armed Forces to the FFMMV and CCHH.

Friday March 8

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Martí.

12:00 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Nadal-Martí.

Saturday March 9

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Tamarit.

12:00 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Tamarit.

Sunday March 10

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Alpujarreña.

8:00 p.m. – Nighttime pyrotechnic show at the Town Hall Square. Pirotècnia Valenciana.

Monday, March 11th

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Tomás.

Tuesday March 12

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Crespo.

Miércoles 13 de marzo

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Turís.

Thursday March 14

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Zarzoso.

17:00h.- Closing of the Children’s Ninot Exhibition.

5:30 p.m. – Reading of the popular verdict and proclamation of the Children’s “Ninot Indultat” of 2024.

5:45 p.m. – Collection of the ninots by the commissions until 8:00 p.m.

Friday March 15

09:00 a.m. – “Plantà” of all children’s fallas.

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Vulcano.

5:00 p.m. – Closing of the Ninot Exhibition.

5:30 p.m. – Reading of the popular verdict and proclamation of the “Ninot Indultat” 2024.

5:45 p.m. – Collection of the ninots by the commissions until 8:00 p.m.

00:00 h. – L’Albà de las Fallas. Tradition recovered in 2016 thanks to the Falla Na Jornada and the Junta Central Fallera, with a pyrotechnic show in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Pirotècnia Altana.

Saturday March 16

08:00 a.m. –“Plantà” of all the fallas.

2:00 p.m.- “Mascletà” in the Town Hall Pirotècnia Altana.

4:30 p.m. – Give away Children’s Prizes. In the gallery installed in the Town Hall for the distribution of prizes obtained for the children’s Fallas in the different sections, as well as children’s presentations, the Ninot Cavalcade and children’s falla books.

12:00 p.m. – Fireworks Castle in the Turia Garden, next to the Palau de les Arts. Pirotècnia Martí.

Sunday March 17

09:30 a.m. – Awards. In the tribune installed in the Town Hall for the distribution of prizes obtained for the Fallas in the different sections, as well as the illuminated streets contests, presentations and llibrets de falla.

2:00 p.m. –“Mascletà” in the Town Hall Pirotècnia Fx Caballer.

3:30 p.m. – Offering of flowers to the Mare de Déu.

3:30 p.m.: Canyamelar-Grau-Natzaret
4:30 p.m.: La Xerea
5:00 p.m.: Rascaña
6:30 p.m.: Camins al Grau
8:15 p.m.: Ruzafa A
9:15 p.m.: Ruzafa B
10:00 p.m.: Pla del Reial Benimaclet

3:30 p.m.: El Pilar-Sant Francesc
4:30 p.m.: Patraix
5:45 p.m.: La Seu-El Mercat
6:15 p.m.: Botànic-La Petxina
7:15 p.m.: Quart de Poblet-Xirivella
8:45 p.m.: Jesus
10:00 p.m.: Mislata
11:15 p.m.: Cruz Cubierta
00:30 a.m.:Casas Regionales
00:40 a.m.: Juntas Locales
00:45 a.m.: Falla de la Fallera Mayor Infantil de València, Marina García Arribas, Falla Manuel de Falla-Tamarindos.
00:50 a.m.: Official delegation delegations from Burgos, Murcia, Castellón and Alicante.
00:55 h.: Last five Major Children’s Falleras of Valencia.
01.00 a.m.: Fallera Mayor Infantil de Valencia, Marina García Arribas and her Court of Honor. Accompanied by the members of JCF and the Valencia Municipal Band.

00:00 h.: Fireworks Castle in the Turia Garden, near the Palau de les Arts. Pirotècnia Turís.

Monday March 18

10:30 a.m. – Tribute to the poet Maximiliano Thous, in his monument, located at the intersection of Sagunto and Maximiliano Thous streets.
With the collaboration of the Falla Fray Pere Vives- Bilbao – Maximiliano Thous.

12:00 a.m. – Tribute to Maestro Serrano, which will take place at his monument on Avenida del Reino in Valencia.

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia Valenciana.

3:30 p.m. – Offering of flowers to the Mare de Déu.

3:30 p.m.: Algirós
4:30 p.m.: Poblats Al Sud
5:45 p.m.: Quatre Carreres
7:15 p.m.: Pla del Remei – Gran Vía
8:30 p.m.: Benimamet-Burjassot-Beniferri.
10:15 p.m.: Malvarrosa-Cabañal-Beteró

3:30 p.m.: Zaidia
5:00 p.m.: El Carmen
5:45 p.m.: Benicalap
7:00 p.m.: Campanar
8:15 p.m.: La Roqueta-Arrancapins
9:45 p.m.: Olivereta
11:30 p.m.: Casas Regionales.
11:40 p.m.: Invited entities
11:50 p.m.: Falla of the Fallera Mayor of Valencia, María Estela Arlandis Ferrando, Falla Obispo Jaime Pérez-Luis Oliag.
11:55 p.m.: Official delegation delegations from Burgos, Murcia, Castellón and Alicante.
00:00h.: Last five Falleras Mayores of Valencia.
00:05 h.: Fallera Mayor of Valencia, María Estela Arlandis Ferrando, and her Court of Honor. Accompanied by the members of JCF and the Valencia Municipal Band.

00:00 h.: “NIT DEL FOC” Fireworks Castle in the Turia Garden, next to the Palau de les Arts. Pirotècnia Fx Caballer.

Tuesday March 19

11:00 a.m. – Offering of flowers by the Falleres Mayores of Valencia and their Courts of Honor in front of the image of the Patriarch on the Sant Josep Bridge.

12:00 a.m. – Solemn Mass in honor of Sant Josep in the Cathedral of Valencia, officiated by the Archbishop of Valencia, Enrique Benavent and offered by Junta Central Fallera and the Guild of Carpenters. With the assistance of the Falleras Mayores of Valencia and their Courts of Honor.

2 p.m. – “Mascletà” in the Town Hall. Pirotècnia del Mediterráneo.

7:00 p.m. – Cavalcade of Fire that will start on Calle de la Paz to Plaza de la Porta la Mar.

8:00 p.m. – “Cremà” of children’s fallas.

8:30 p.m. – “Cremà” of the children’s fallas that has won first prize in the Special Section.

9:00 p.m. –“Cremà” of the children’s falla in the Town Hall.

10:00 p.m. –“Cremà” of all the Fallas of Valencia.

10:30 p.m. – “Cremà” of the falla that has won first prize in the Special Section.

11:00 p.m. – “Cremà” of the falla of the Town Hall. Pyrotechnics of the Mediterranean.

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