
What is Horchata? The Traditional Summer Drink from Valencia You Can’t Miss


With its vibrant mix of history, culture and gastronomy, it’s no wonder that Valencia is a popular destination for travellers from all over the world. Among the wide range of culinary delights on offer,.
Entre la amplia oferta culinaria capaz de cautivar a los foodies más exigentes, la
horchata stands out as a must-have summer drink. Sweet and refreshing, its unique and surprising flavour captures the essence of the region’s culinary tradition. From ValenciaGo we reveal the secrets of this incomparable drink that will delight children and adults alike. Read on!

The Origin of Horchata

Legend has it that when James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon, tasted this drink, he was so surprised by its flavour that he exclaimed: “Açò és or, xata”, or “This is gold (or), darling (chata)”. This is where the play on words between “or” and “xata” comes from, leading to the word “orxata”: horchata in Valencian. Myth or reality, there is evidence that it was consumed in ancient Egypt. Persian and Arabic texts datingfrom around 2000 BC have been found that mention its use as a medicinal concoction for its digestive benefits. Its arrival in Spain was marked by the Arab invasion, which meant the introduction of the tiger nut and its cultivation methods to the peninsula. As a result, the town of Alboraya became the main producer of this tuber and is still considered the “cradle of horchata”.

Making Horchata

Horchata from Valencia is characterised by its creamy texture and sweet flavour..
A diferencia de otras variantes como las horchatas a base de arroz en México y Centroamérica, la valenciana ofrece un
Unlike other varieties such as the rice-based horchata of Mexico and Central America, Valencian horchata has a unique aroma that is inextricably linked to its local origin and the agricultural practices of the region. Horchata is not just a drink, it is a cultural symbol deeply integrated into the daily life and festivities of the region.The first step in making horchata is to select and soak the tiger nuts, a tuber that comes from the sedge family..
They are then crushed to make a paste, which is then pressed and sieved to obtain a homogeneous liquid. Water and sugar are then added..
La mezcla resultante se filtra exhaustivamente para producir un
The resulting mixture is thoroughly filtered to obtain a smooth, milky liquid..
Por último, se realiza el
Finally, the drink is served cold. This artisanal method is a meticulous process that preserves the natural flavours and nutritional benefits of the tiger nut, while guaranteeing its quality.

The Best Horchaterías in Valencia

Consumed mainly in the summer, horchata is offered in cafés and stalls along the bustling streets, providing a refreshing break from the summer heat. The traditional horchaterías are a must if you want to taste authentic horchata. Among the oldest are the.
Entre las más antiguas se encuentran la
Horchatería Santa Catalina and the Horchatería Daniel, both of which produce the drink by hand. The Santabárbara, el Collado and Fabián horchaterías are also popular with Valencians and never disappoint. Walking around the city, it is impossible not to come across the Món Orxatacarts, a company with more than 400 years of tradition that offers 100% natural horchata. If you want a different experience, Horchatería Vida located in a farmhouse in the heart of the Alboraya orchard, offers an idyllic setting in which to enjoy a horchata surrounded by nature. And don’t forget to accompany your horchata with some of the typical homemade fartonsspongy, long cakes that are the perfect accompaniment to the fresh, sweet flavour of this drink.

How to Make Horchata at Home

Bringing the taste of Valencia into your own kitchen is easier than it sounds. With the right ingredients and kitchen equipment, you can enjoy this nutritious, lactose-free drink that is suitable for everyone. Nowadays, it is easy to get your hands on tiger nuts through specialist online shops. Even if you live outside Spain, tiger nuts can be found in grocery stores that sell authentic Spanish products.

Valencian Horchata Recipe


  • 250 grams of tiger nuts
  • 150 g of sugar or to taste
  • 1 litre of water
  • Optional: cinnamon and lemon zest

How to make it:

  1. Soak the tiger nuts for at least 8 hours.
  2. Drain the tiger nuts and place in a food processor or blender jug.
  3. Add 500 ml of water and blend until you have a homogeneous paste. Then add the rest of the water and blend again. At this stage you can add the cinnamon and lemon zest.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve or fine mesh to extract the tiger nut milk, clean and without lumps.
  5. Add sugar to taste and mix well until dissolved.
  6. Leave the horchata to stand in the fridge.
  7. When cold, stir before serving.

No visit to Valencia is complete without tasting horchata, which is not only a delight for the senses but also a direct link to the region’s cultural heritage. If we have persuaded you to get to know Valencia through its flavours, ValenciaGo offers culinary tours and excursions that will allow you to get to know in depth our local cuisine..
Nuestros guías locales acreditados te llevarán a un viaje enriquecedor para que vivas una
Our accredited local guides will take you on an enriching journey for an authentic Valencian experience.

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